Pihole stats -> InfluxDB
Pihole stats -> InfluxDB
Will poll metrics from a Pihole server via lex-pihole and send it to an influxdb server.
Requirements - both the influxdb and pihole lex need to be installed on at least a single Legion node
Grab the functions
SELECT functions.id, extensions.name, runners.name, functions.name
FROM `extensions`
INNER JOIN runners on extensions.id = runners.extension_id
INNER JOIN functions on runners.id = functions.runner_id
WHERE extensions.name in ('pihole', 'influxdb')
and runners.name IN ('writer', 'api')
AND functions.name in ('summary', 'write_points')
# pihole functions.id = 213 in this example
# influxdb functions.id = 9 in this example
INSERT INTO chains (name, active) VALUES ('pihole stats to influxdb', 1);
# replace chain_id 1 with the actual result
INSERT INTO relationships (name, active, chain_id, trigger_id, action_id, transformation)
VALUES ('pihole stats to influxdb', 1, 1, 213, 9, 'transformation from below');
# insert new schedule to make this thing run
INSERT INTO schedules (function_id, active, `interval`, name, payload)
VALUES (213, 1, 10, 'pihole query every 10 seconds', '{"host":"", "port":80}');
Transformation to insert as json string
"host": "localhost",
"port": 8086,
"database": "pihole",
"metrics": "{
\"tags\": {
\"host\": \"\"
\"domains_being_blocked\": <%= results[:domains_being_blocked].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"dns_queries_today\": <%= results[:dns_queries_today].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"ads_blocked_today\": <%= results[:ads_blocked_today].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"ads_percentage_today\": <%= results[:ads_percentage_today].delete(',').to_f %>,
\"unique_domains\": <%= results[:unique_domains].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"queries_forwarded\": <%= results[:queries_forwarded].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"queries_cached\": <%= results[:queries_cached].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"clients_ever_seen\": <%= results[:clients_ever_seen].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"unique_clients\": <%= results[:unique_clients].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"dns_queries_all_types\": <%= results[:dns_queries_all_types].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"reply_NODATA\": <%= results[:reply_NODATA].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"reply_NXDOMAIN\": <%= results[:reply_NXDOMAIN].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"reply_CNAME\": <%= results[:reply_CNAME].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"reply_IP\": <%= results[:reply_IP].delete(',').to_i %>,
\"privacy_level\": <%= results[:privacy_level].to_i %>,
\"status\": \"<%= results[:status] %>\",
, multiple selections available,