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Developing a LEX

LEXs are the only reason Legion as a framework is vaulable. They are designed to be easy to create without the overhead of managing things like workers, threads, queues, data connections, etc.

LEX folder structure

  • lib/legion

    • name(http)

      • version.rb

      • actors(optional)

        • http.rb

      • runners(required)

        • http.rb

        • foobar.rb

      • transport(optional)

      • data(optional)

    • http.rb (the bootstrap file)

Example bootstrap

require 'legion/extensions/http/version' require 'legion/extensions' module Legion module Extensions module Http extend Legion::Extensions::Core end end end

When you create a runner, it is recommended to use the lex helper as it will give you some base functionality that will come in hand

module Legion::Extensions::Http:Runners module Http include Legion::Extensions::Helpers::Lex end end


LEX Data::Migrations

Legion automatically handles database schema migrations for a lex. All you need to do is create this folder structure legion/extensions/http/data/migrations/

Migration files should be formatted as 001_text_desc.rb

The Legion framework will handling making sure your schema is up to date. If you update a LEX gem that has new migrations, next time you start Legion with that newer version, it will be upgraded automatically.


LEX Data::Models

You can also add custom models in the case where you are adding new tables that aren’t default.

Model files should be located at legion/extensions/http/data/models and the models must extend Sequel::Model otherwise bad things will happen


module Legion::Extensions::Scheduler::Data::Model class Schedule < Sequel::Model one_to_many :schedule_logs many_to_one :task many_to_one :function end end

Models that are created from a LEX are not registered globally as you cannot guarantee that the lex is installed for all workers.