

What is LegionIO?

Legion is a framework for connection triggers and actions. Anything can be a trigger, anything can be an action. The are both considered a function. A function is just a piece of code that is registered inside the Legion framework that is able to be called whenever required.

Relationships can do things like single paths or one to many

  • foo → bar → cat → dog

  • a → b → c

    • b → e → z

      • e → g

Work can also be trigger via https://legionio.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LEX/pages/612139049 which gives you the ability to call a Legion Function either by interval(X seconds since last completely), by cron style(15 * * * * for every 15 minutes on the mark) or by using verbiage like every 90 seconds

Legion supports the following


Common Locations Inside Wiki

  • Legion Extensions List -

  • Condition Examples -

  • Transformer Examples -

  • TLDR how to articles -

  • Ask a question -